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ECN Broker

已有 519 次阅读2018-9-21 15:45

The Main Types OF CFD Brokes

Article by bbb666

Arguably one of the biggest innovations to emerge  from the development of technology in retail onine trading is the rapid growth of DMA ,providers entitle investors of all levels and sizes to trade directly on the markets.

1. STP Broker– Straight through Processing model
2. ECN Broker– Electronic communications network model
3. DMA Broker – Direct market access model
4. MM Broker– Market maker model
5. P2P Broker – Peer to Peer model
The STP/ECN and DMA Brokerage models are the CLASSIC brokerage variations that send all your trade flows to the owners of the conventional market. The operators of the common  market are called the Market Makers.
These Market Makers are the providers who you are actually, trading with.
Therefore if you win, they suffer. In the same line of thinking, in cases where you constantly gain, it implies that the provider  is losing and vice versa.
The market makers possess the privilege to refuse your trade flows. this factor is evidently a key detail. You can trade with a Company that is functioning an STP/ECN/DMA model and yet experience your trading profits canceled or a more painful instance , your deposit might just held back temporarily. This type of unethical behavior of a STP broker may be as their Market Makerturned down your orders at some point and as a result, whatever profits you earned becomes invalid. The market maker might moreover choose to penalize the Broker for allowing such revenues by holding back your funds. These are some of the realfacts of the normal traditional CFD brokering  models.

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